[b]Name:[/b] Aleksey Litovchenko [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Height:[/b] 6'0" [b]Weight:[/b] 188 lbs [b]Looks:[/b] [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/156/8/6/scott_adkins_by_katarina_venom-d52cgzg.jpg] [b]Crime:[/b] - 3 counts of murder; - Kidnapping; - Torture; - Assault and battery. [b]History:[/b] Aleksey was born in the port city of Odessa, Ukraine. He and his parents moved to Los Angeles, USA when Aleksey was 7 years old, seeking a better life. Although life in a foreign country proved to be harder then it would seem at a first glance, he and his family adapted quite well. Teachers loved Aleksey because he was a good and hard working kid. As a teenager he started to take lessons in mixed martial arts and at the age of 22, after a couple of years of fighting as an amateur, he signed a contract with UFC and began his career as a pro. His debut was sensational, with a KO victory in the 2nd round against a much tougher and more experienced oponent. At the time, many argued that if he would continue this way he would become a very successfull and appreciated fighter. Which he did. Throughout the course of 5 years, from the age of 22 to the age of 27, Aleksey fought in 11 matches, winning all of them, out of which 8 were KO's. One day, after a routine drug test which he had to do, illegal substances were discovered in his body. From that point forward Aleksey's career went downhill. He was stripped of the Light Heavyweight title that he won in his 9th match and he was also cut from the UFC effective imidieatly. After that Aleksey was done as an MMA fighter. Fortunately for him, his wife [url=http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/19300000/Noomi-noomi-rapace-19385335-396-594.jpg]Juliet[/url] stood by his side in those dark times. Using the money he won from fighting, Aleksey and his wife moved to Miami, Florida, where they bought a nice house in Dade County. Aleksey also opened a gym where he trained in MMA anyone willing to learn. What was interesting about him and what attracted people to his gym was the fact that the price for the training was not standard and Aleksey was willing to negociable if some people wanted to train but they didn't have too much money. The place was administered by his wife. One night Aleksey and Juliet were coming outside of a restaurant. As they were crossing the street towards the parking lot where Aleksey's car was, they were both hit by two guys which apparently were having a street race. Due to his toughness, Aleksey survived with just a couple of bruises and 3 broken ribs. His wife on the other hand, suffered very serious damage and ended in a coma at the hospital. After two weeks of investigation the police discovered the two racers and arrested them. One of them died though, because he opposed arrest and attacked the cop with was forced to shoot him down. The other one however, managed to escape prison because he had certain important friends that lended him a hand. The cops that investigated the case apologised to Aleksey and said that they really can't do anything anymore. It was then when Aleksey took matters into his own hands and decided that if justice won't be delivered to him and his broken wife which was lying in a coma on a hospital bed then he will do justice himself by punishing the man responsible for the situation. One night as the man left his car shop and headed home, Aleksey followed and kidnapped him, taking him into a secluded place where he comfronted him, tortured him and eventually killed him by setting him on fire. After that event, Aleksey became a shadow of his former self. He succumbed to alcohol and started smoking marijuana. He was even close to losing his gym because of debts that were piling up, but some of his friends helped him with money. Juliet's sister told Aleksey that he needs to return to the man he used to be and stay strong for his wife, but that was one fight that Aleksey could not win even if he would try. One night while Aleksey was walking on the streets with no aim whatsoever, he stumbled upon a hooker who started hitting on him. At that point Aleksey snapped, dragged the hooker into an alley and started beating the living daylights out of her, releasing all of the frustration that gathered in him all this time. As he was doing that, two large men, dressed in black suits came from behind and started beating up Aleksey, these men possibly worked for the hooker's pimp. Unfortunately for them Aleksey had a folding knife with him, which he used, killing both men. After that he walked away as if nothing happened. The next morning cops were at his door. Aleksey was arrested and sent to prison. His trial was very short, as Aleksey declared himself guilty of the crimes he was convicted of: 2 counts of murder and assault and battery. But at the same trial, to everyone's surprise, Aleksey confessed that he also tortured and killed Billy McIntyre, a 28 year old street racer, and one of the two people that hit him and his wife that night some time ago. He recounted in detail exactly how everything happened and also said that he filmed the whole thing and that he has a tape back home. The cops found the tape and next day in a short session of his trial, Aleksey was found guilty of 3 counts of murder, assault and battery, torture and kidnapping and was sentenced to prison for life. Unbeknownst to Aleksey, his wife Juliet, woke up from her coma and she is recovering nicely but was left shocked after hearing everything that her husband has been doing while she was in the coma and will have to learn to deal with the situation. [b]Specialty:[/b] Trained in mixed martial arts, also knows how to use various types of knives including kukri's and throwing knives.