Bad guys are here!!!! [hider=The Princess of the End] Original name/nickname: Lilianne Prince / Princess of the End Age of death: 16 Sex: female Appearance: [img=] Most of the visible wounds on her body were inflicted upon her by her brother after he turned. Personality: The Princess is a manipulative creature who will use everything at her disposal to her advantage, mostly her charisma. Lillianne is mean, vicious and evil to the core. She views everything around her as a playground designed only for her, the living creatures in it her destined play things. Lillianne likes to bully and torture people, she specifically enjoys watching somebody slowly succumb to the zombie disease. Lillianne doesn't believe in Zed or that she was chosen to lead the undead but she will use both assumptions some humans make to her advantage. Lillianne only hates the living who defy her, and since she is an undead, that's basically everyone. Biography/Background story: Lillianne was a straight-a student of the northern lands. Being born in the north means learning how to fight and Lillianne excelled at every style that was based on skill and allowed the martial artist to fight dirtily. From a very young age Lillianne has had a strong control over her environment through her charisma and manipulativeness. At school she quickly became the most important student, both socially and academically. She used her power to abuse those weaker than her, which was accepted due to the culture of the nothern lands. Something to note is that Lillianne, while being a seemingly fragile small girl, had a different body from most people. There are many rumours about this body of hers, mostly concerning secret government bio-engineering theories, but the result is all the same, Lillianne has always been stronger, smarter and faster than she should have been based on her physique. When the apocalypse came, Lillianne was bitten like many others but she was a bit different. Due to her special body, the zombification went differently. Lillianne did not lose her mind like the others. In fact, Lillianne soon became aware that she could control other undead. While all this was happening, Lillianne still pretended to be human. Nobody questioned her, such were her manipulative skills. And so the first Mutated was born... Lillianne didn't just hide, though, she experimented. At first, it was just controlling the undead. Causing them to lose here, making them win there. She hid her actions well to make it seem like luck or bad luck so that nobody suspected a thing. When Lillianne felt like she knew the full extend of her power over the other undead, her experimenting entered a new phase. The first time she tried to infect someone went as well and according to plan. Due to the privileges Lillianne has gained it was easy to capture and observe her victim, the chaos of the war was in her favour. Unlike when a regular undead bit an undead, Lillianne's victim remained some of her intellect. After a few more victims, Lillianne found that the intelligence of her victims varied so much that some even seemed to be regular undead. That is when Lillianne made a mistake. Lillianne wasn't the only one with special genes in her family. Her brother had a special body as well. He wasn't smart, at all, but his body was huge and just like Lillianne, even more so than her actually, his strength and speed exceeded the limits of his body. Lillianne decided to bite this massive monster of a brother to see the results. The results were disastrous. With the death and reanimation of her brother, a new strand of Mutated was born. Lillianne had secretly spread her infestation of Brain-Mutated, but the spread of the Heart-Mutated was much more violent and less discrete. Lillianne had to flee the army she was travelling with since her brother single handedly destroyed it, so great is the power of the original Heart-Mutated, a beast that roams the world to this day, just like Lillianne. Lillianne expected the destruction of the army though, that was not the mistake she made. The real mistake was thinking she could control him. Lillianne found that Brain-Mutated were hard to control, but her brother's mind was like an impervious fortress to her manipulations. In fact, Lillianne has never been able to control the more powerful of the Heart-Mutated like the ones following her brother around in a pact. She had those killed and simply took control of the weaker ones. (Weak is a relative term when it comes to the Heart-Mutated.) After Lillianne fled she created at army, let by Brain-Mutated loyalist who often also have the power to control the other undead, though they are not as powerful as Lillianne. She left the name Prince behind and turned it into Princess of the End, occasionally placing her name in front of it. Her army was growing in strength as it rode the momentum of the Mutation (at that moment only the Heart-Mutated were known, but most undead victories were as devastating as they were due to Brain-Mutated employing tactics and strategy). Now, Lillianne controls most of the undead. In the north she even allows the cultists to live in order to create a food source for her Mutated while the horde moves southwards, to the final bulwarks of Humanity and while they probably have never heard of Lillianne, Princess of the End, all should fear her. And her monstrous brother should he ever decide to show his face down there.[/hider] [hider=the Master] Human: Name/Nickname: "Master" (real name unknown). Age: 26 Sex: Male Faction: Cultist Position: High lord of the Trinean cept (aka the big bad boss of the cultist organisation) Appearance: [img=] The face is a mask, the Master's real face is unknown. Personality: The Master is a cruel and harsh man, as you would expect based on the cult he rules. He shows his perverseness, in the sexual and horrorish meaning of the world, to everyone who wishes to see. The Master often uses his own sins to explain that life is evil and that only death should prevail. He is absolutely fascinated by the undead and will do anything to please them. (Except scarifying himself or the more important members of the cult since it would disrupt his ability to help the 'holy warriors of Zed'. He shows a great hatred towards survivors and Trinea due to their will to defy Zed his ultimate wish, the purge of all evil. Biography/Background story: unknown.[/hider]