Alright, this is where the time skip comes in. Jessibelle ordered her men and women to go out and follow Carmen's little tracker creature and find what is known as the Augmenter. They brought it into Jessibelle's private quarters to maintain absolute safe keeping. Once that was said and done, and everyone had ensured that they were loaded onto the ship, they began launch procedures. Within the hour Jessibelle, Carmen, and everyone else on board her armada was launched into space. One by one every ship followed the Silver Maiden vertically, they had made sure the ships would have more than enough fuel and resources for their travels. So much so, that they could survive solely in space for at least a generation. Though that wasn't their intention, the Ahs Chini were going to be heading somewhere else to gather more resources for her people. Totally legitimate. In orbit over the planet they looked down at the location they were just in. Noticing the absolutely abhorrent conditions of the world itself. It was effectively a wasteland, spotted with supercities. The empress shuddered a bit, noting that she would have to take a long soak later. At her core she was a terrible person, hell, if one were able to look closely enough at the planet's surface they would notice a high powered explosion going off where they had taken refuge. Mortimer, in another room, had just pressed the detonation switch on the terraforming device they had left behind. It had never been a terraforming device in the first place, it was always an explosive. Now, Jessibelle and Carmen were still talking casually inside of the room. They had reached a point where Jessibelle was asking about star maps. "Sso, Carmen, you ssaid that you came to this planet from where, exactly? I'm curiouss ass to whether or not you would happen to have a log of locationss that are noteworthy throughout the universse. Hm?"