I'm quitting this RP. Apparently I've been conveniently forgotten about one or two weeks ago. I've put my faith in this little establishment to at least bring a small modicum of colour into my new life working temporarily in a warehouse, and my faith has been betrayed. I tried to be enthusiastic, I tried to get involved, and all I've ever gotten was second class treatment, starting with Panda posting for you guys and not me and claiming to be busy despite this, then harassment and ill treatment from the rest of you. I didn't even want to pursue this with Panda until she messaged me. I just found her in Chatzy and decided to follow up on it since it would be rude to ignore her. I find it particularly interesting that QT hated my guts right from the beginning, even before I've done anything (his words, by the way). I guess that explains partly why he's always supporting everyone but me, other than the fact that he's a bigoted and unfit GM who looks out only for himself and his friends. Favouritism is an ugly thing, and I've seen it tear roleplays apart. Thankfully for you guys, this RP remains one of the two rare exceptions in which favouritism works, at least for the core people in the RP. You guys are right and I am wrong. This RP is not one of the best. In fact, far from it. I guess I've learnt one other thing, and it's the fact that whether an RP live or die before it ends properly has little to do with whether it's good or not. You guys claim to respect me (QT's words) and wanted me to stay, but all I've seen is the opposite. You guys are either the lousiest liars I've ever seen or just human beings who lacks self-awareness and/or sentience, and instead acts on impulse like animals. What else can I say? I mean really, there's no reasoning with you guys since anything (and I mean anything) I say could be misconstrued as a way to disturb a peace and thus a reason for QT to kick me out. Then of course with QT as the judge, there's no chance at all for anything I do. Well guess what? You guys can't kick me anymore because I'm done and I'm out, thank God and goodness. I don't care if this was read or replied to. That gesture would mean very little since I'm either speaking to animals or a bunch of extremely flawed human beings who speak in stock phrases lifted from the Walking Dead, who despite being huge fans of the franchise, failed to learn the important lessons contained in the stories of the franchise.