"Nothing." Andreios answered bluntly, "Nothing is happening to you, as long as you return back to your quarters where you'll be safe." Andreios dared to pat the girl on the head. It looked so painful, this magic, but he knew Ava was stronger that it. Eventually, in time, it would break. "Trust that I will fix everything." It was to much to hope that she would remember, but time would fix that. Apparently James didn't account for this, the possibility that Ava could beat this.... and if he did. Andreios didn't want to think about it. He couldn't let his thoughts waver any long as they did. He needed to be sure in his actions. He needed to be sure of Ava. "Try not to hurt yourself over a feeling my lady. The best way you can help me is if you do not anger your father. There will be a time when all makes sense, today is not that day. Now I repeat. Return to your room my lady."