She stared at him, watching his reactions. He seemed very uncomfortable. Well, most would and did when first coming to the academy anyway. But his next statement threw her for a loop. He hasn't a new student and he didn't know where he was? Certainly, he'd know about the academy. What sort of character had Kate allowed to come in? Most characters had to have a reason to join the academy. Then, he asked her about a tunnel? [b]"Wait, what? A tunnel? I've never seen any tunnels in the academy. Not unless they've changed it. I mean, we're thousands of miles in the air. The school's floating up here in the clouds. I mean, I noticed the patches down on the ground. It's like looking at puzzle pieces. Everything looks so different. I mean, there's a body of water down there that just... stops."[/b] She said, already starting to ramble. She'd often say her thoughts as she thought of them. A rather annoying habit to have. She thought for a moment. She might as well introduce herself, but as what? She wasn't adverse to people calling her Emily but something about this scared her. Maybe she should just go with Rose for now. [b]"I'm... Rose. It's nice to meet you Leon. So, can you... show me where this 'tunnel' is?"[/b] She asked, walking over to him.