[b]Ava was still concerned, looking up at Andreios as she finally released the front of his armor. She wanted to just go along with what he said, but Pandora's box had been opened, & she couldn't calm her racing mind down now if she wanted to. Groaning, Ava rubbed her forehead with her hand & tried to stop the dizzy feeling washing over her. Looking up at Andreios again, she felt worse than before. Her bodyguard looked so desperate & worried right now. It was a complete change from the calm, collected man she met earlier, & it made Ava more nervous. What was he hiding? & why did he seem to be so wary of her father? Yes, he'd slapped her earlier, but he was usually so mild-mannered, & gentle. "But you look so lonely right now," Ava said before she could stop herself, "I don't want you to feel lonely... It hurts to see you like that. Is there nothing I can do to at least ease [i]your[/i] mind, Master Andreios? Anything at all...."[/b]