Ming looked over to see that the other kid had finally left the dog alone. "So, Carl huh?" Ming said. She knelt down, rubbing his ears. Her hands were admittedly more rough than the others that probably pet Carl, the perks of having super strength, she guessed. "I'm sure there is dog food here somewhere, if they knew you were coming Carl," Ming at this point was acknowledging Carl as if he was a human and she had known him his entire life. She started pulling open cabinets and drawers in search for the dog food. Scratching her head for a second she looked down at the dog. "I can't find it Carl, how about some bologna?" She picked through the fridge for only a few seconds, no doubt she had at this point memorized after food item within, before pulling out a back of the lunch meat. "Here you go boy," she said holding out a piece of the meat for the dog, with little regard for the dog's diet. At the piano, Feng looked upwards to the two new presences in the area, startled that they chose to come talk to him. Feng was never good at keeping his emotions well hidden, especially his nervousness. He focused his gaze straight ahead this time, catching a glimpse of a few of his other new teammates in the distance. "Yeah, I'm alright, just thinking, ya know? About, what the Commander said, not about the salute," Feng was always explaining himself, he always felt that everyone would take his words incorrectly, so he always ended up over explaining. "Just about us being soldiers. Forgetting about the past," Feng looked up again at the girl, this time his eyes held a sincerity. "I-I don't know," Feng sighed. He couldn't really describe how he was feeling, there was a rush of anxiety of course, and a fear of not knowing what to come, he had a lot of time to think on his plane ride here, but even now, especially after Commander Nunez's words, he found himself dwelling on it even more. Was he ready for this? Were any of them?