Shadow. Animal: AnglerFish Changes: - You now have the iconic rod protruding from your forehead. When you experience fear, nervousness or too much stress, it will light up. -Your mouth has grown much bigger, and your teeth sharper. Your diet consists mainly of fish, as you detest other foods. -You don't get hungry as often as other people. -You are growing fins on or around your head. Avan. Animal: Immortal Jellyfish Changes: -You will forever appear to be, and for all purpouses will be, around 16-18 years old. -Your skin, bone, and muscle is changing from being hard to being very squishy, making it difficult to walk at the moment as you will need to get used to it. -In extreme fear or nervousness your fingers will emit electrical shocks. -You eat by drinking micro-organasims as you detest all other foods. Rambling. Animal: Cheetah Changes: -You are now much more thin. -Your ears are changing into cat ears. -You now have a tail growing that is very uncomfortable to sit on. -You're faster -You now have a form of ADD not documented. You can't think on one topic at a time, you think on multiple at a time, as well as only thinking of them a few seconds -due to the new ADD, you talk incredibly fast, and a lot. -You also like to climb and sit on high places. -Your fingernails are now turning into claws. BeeBee. Animal: Wolf Changes: -You can run a bit faster than normal. -You can leap much further. -You hate being alone, you can't stand it. This has made you clingy to your friends. -Your teeth are becoming dog teeth. -Your ears are becoming Dog Ears. -You now see in Black and White. -You are growing claws. -You can't sit comfortably due to a bulge in your rear, where a tail is growing. Major Ursa-Asian Giant Hornet Changes: -Your back is growing two odd, but small wings. This makes it so that you can't wear shirts properly if they have a back. -Your eyes are becoming compound. -You have a very small stinger coming out of the top of your wrist. - You eat nothing but insects. -You tend to hover, or helicopter, behind people without realizing it. - Your stinger emits a very small dose of poison that makes the area it hits go slightly numb. Malmo. Animal: Black Mamba Changes: -Your skin is turning to scales -You are much more flexible now, you can bend over backwards and grab onto your heels. -You have developed snake fangs. -Your fangs, when you bite down, emits a small dose of venom. This venom makes the area you bit go numb. Unless it's a small animal, it will kill a small animal. -You only like to eat rats, and you eat them whole, yet for some reason you never choke. - You like to lay on your stomach when you can. -You love the sun. -Your skin is very itchy and peels away constantly. Raven. Animal: Ophiocoma Wendtii Changes: - You are growing crystal like structures on your legs and arms, as well as some on your back. -Your crystals are very strong, working as an armor. -Your crystals are very sharp, working like a weapon. - Your crystals can sense light and where it's coming from, alerting you of light. - You can stick onto walls and sort of climb them, but it takes you a very long time. Fiendish. Animal: Narwhal Changes: -You love the cold and ice. You often eat ice. -You click with your mouth often. This can be irritating to others, but you can't seem to stop yourself. - You are growing a thick layer of blubber, you look husky, not fat. - You are growing a small horn on your head, about the size of a ruler, and wider at the base than the tip. - You love to swim, and can hold your breath for a very long time. -Your skin is turning grey. Some things I didn't mention: If your animal is aquatic based you love to swim and can hold your breath for a while. Cat based: Love to sleep. Canine based: You tend to be playful. Also, you like to eat what your respective animals eat. Also, you will wake up in an orange uniform that's made to your character. It has holes for tails and wings and the like.