He didn't remember when he got inside of this place... But he could remember the day that they brought him here, it was like being in hell, his powers didn't worked anymore. Just like always John was sitting in one of the corners, writing inside a book. Everything he saw, everything he knew about the asylum. Aldo it was inmpossible to escape this place, he just tought that it was handy to keep a notebook about this place. Somehow it felt like there was more to it that it really showed from the inside and outside. As he wrote down everything he saw, he glanced trough the hall, everybody that was truelly insane and wasn't able to be among the 'normal' people was inside the asylum, and yet something felt odd. Something that made sure that his eyes kept looking into the crowd of people that were sitting, standing or laying down. Somehow he felt a certain appeal that there were more like him inside of this place, and yet everybody seemed the same. As he stood up, he closed his notebook and shoved it inside of his shirt, stuck between his pants and body so that no body would truelly see it or would be able to steal it. His pencil was kept behind his ear, almost like a teacher. But the look on his face was as always empty, he didn't felt sorry for no one and certainly woudn't start to feel sorry for anyone inside of this place. As he tucked his hands inside of his pockets he started to walk across the room, not to think, but to observe everyone who just came in and those who were already inside of this place for a longer period. Somehow he knew that there was more to it than they showed, and yet he could't put his finger on it. Once he walked towards the other end of the room he turned around en started leaning against the wall, supporting himself by putting his foot against it, the same question kept going trough his mind [i]"There is more to this place than it keeps showing... But what?!" [/i] as the question keeps rolling inside of his head, he keeps staring into the crowd. [i]"Why can't I use my power inside of this place?"[/i] he wondered for decades about that question, but still it lurked within the back of his mind. As he shaked his head he stared into the crowd again, different humanbeings inside of a tiny little castle built to keep them inside, and yet they don't even try to break out. Because in each castle there is a king, who rules with a strong hand, tells his knights what to do and even makes them kill in his name. And yet these guards barelly care about the humans inside the asylum, they just glance at their screens like there won't be a thing that will happen....