I sincerely hope not. I’ll admit I am feeling a little less excitement towards this but not enough to want to end it or give up on it. I’ve also been decently busy but not enough to warrant such absence. I made that thread during the time you hadn’t replied for a little while and neither had the two other people I was RPing with (one for near a week and the other three days). Having nothing really to do I went in search of a couple of partners. I will mention though that I’m not replying anymore often to them than I am to you. However, I should be. I’m sorry for being so absent and not really doing much. I realize I should have been a lot quicker to the replying. I did read things as they were added. I would very much like to continue this. I read Beatrice’s (WIP) character sheet. I really like the way she is coming along and I very much like the picture you used. If you would like I can start working on an intro IC post. I would just follow the earlier outlines I wrote and we could have some characters go without a sheet or have their sheet developed whenever the time is fitting. I sincerely hope we can salvage this. Once again I apologize.