Virgil wasn't having a nice time. After the altercation with the doctor during his physical exam the personnel had issued him a "biting aversion mask", yeah right. They just didn't want me to take another bite out of that doctor. It served him right, no man should have fingers were that man put them. Since then he has been in solitary confinement along with the other "Violent individuals". Its been about a month since then and since Virgil hasn't shown any outward signs of violence, so the doctors think that he should get some social time. However the kept the mask on. Virgil hated the clothes they had given him, they were long, warm, and fuzzy. Nothing how he liked his clothes. So in his spare time he ripped the pants into shorts and took the sleeves off the shirt. As the handlers escorted him down to the leisure room Virgil noticed that the mask was a little too tight, bastards probably did it on purpose. As Virgil entered the leisure room he noticed that something was off, while he couldn't change in these walls whatever was dampening them couldn't change his instincts and something was setting off the lizard side of his brain. He couldn't smell it per say, but it felt like it. [i]"Some of these crazies aren't like the others"[/i] he thought with an ominous chuckle that made the handlers back off a bit. Even if there was more of them he was still bigger and much, much stronger than either of them. Instead of trying to make a dash for something Virgil just lifted up his hands and motioned for the cuffs, "These cuffs ain't gonna unlock themselves boys." Seeing the orderlies not move an inch, Vigil added with some black humor "Oh come now, I can't bite ya. Well, not yet anyway." as he clicked his wrists to the mask on his head. The orderlies had a short argument over who should do it, when they finished one of them sheepishly unlocked the cuffs and the two hurried away. Twisting his wrists, Virgil let out an appreciated sigh and decided to sit in one of the more comfortable chairs and propped his feet on a foot table. Placing his hands behind his head, Vigil thought [i]"It ain't easy being green."[/i], concluding it with another ominous chuckle.