Name: Jessica Turner Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Some days Jessica reminisces about her old self, the girl her grandma would always call an angel. Golden hair that shimmered and balanced beautifully on her shoulders and blue eyes deep like two pools of calm water. Now and ever since the curse has resided in her body her hair has changed to a deathly black along with the blue of her eyes, replaced with a bottomless pits of black. Both these exist as a constant reminder of the dreaded powers that turned her from a normal girl into a "freak". Jessica dresses usually in a thick hoodie that always flops awkwardly over her fingers, her jeans usually tight counter balance her hoodies unfeminine look. Personality: Jessica felt great moments of happiness in her life and many instances of joy but now since her "curse" she finds all her feelings of before replaced with only a swirl of anger and hatred. She feels very little remorse and finds herself in often bad situations do to her reckless attitude. However she is a recluse and wouldn't openly be mean or angry towards people who have done her little or no harm. Superpower: The power to change her form, clothing and held objects into smoke and reconstuct it. However she knows saddly of her inability to dematerialize other living matter. Biography: The clattering of eight sets of feet echo down a dark corridor, the room was lit up with blue and red flashes that flickered through the corridors windows. Jessica stormed through the corridor her face covered with a rugged black scarf, her voice panting and heart raced as the steps behind seemed to be gaining on her. "Suspect is cornered, we've got her" a male voice came from behind. "That's what you think." Her voice muffled behind the scarf. Her feet raced still maintaining speed as she headed towards a closed door and as she touched it her body shattered into million microscopic smoke particles which leaked through every crack and seam in the door. Once through the smoke took human shape once more and bit by bit she turned from a dark silhouette back into a human which moved without slowing pace. Her legs ached and lost balance, she stumbled and fell to the ground, it was only seconds after she heard the familiar clicks of weapons being drawn and taken off safety. She was caught and all thoughts of escape left her mind, it was all over... perhaps for the best; she took a moment to find solace in that her powers will never again be used to harm whether intentionally or ... not. However sadness overwhelmed her as they slapped on the cuffs, their clinks of each notch tightening around her wrists reminded of how little freedom she'll have left. Other: Sorry had to write this on my phone :) ... Also I have more to her bio but I kind of want it to be discovered within the rp ^^