"Well, that's three of four that don't care that mass hallucinations are apparently a thing." Ken sighed audibly, hopefully enough for the others to hear, and went up to the one other person who seemed to be intellectual in the room. "Koizumi Hoshiko, right?" He said with a slight smile. [i]This person apparently cares enough about what's going on, maybe she can help me stop it, campaign to plug the gas leaks or whatever. I cannot have my perfect high school career compromised by these hallucinations![/i] Ken kept as friendly a tone as he could manage "I know you said that you don't think it's the Lhermitte effect, but I'm pretty sure it is. I just saw the news this morning, according to the report, it's caused suicide in some victims, and I think what we saw is enough to drive some people mad." He took on a more serious tone "The fact that we both heard 'hour of reflection' is suspicious enough, I've never heard of that sort of thing happening. Two people experiencing identical hallucinations, anyway." He took a deep breath [i]Ugh, perhaps I shouldn't worry about it now, best to move on with the day, if another event occurs, I should examine the space, but for now, it's time to go get lunch, and those dorm assignments.[/i] "Well Hoshiko, glad you at least had the sense to recognize something strange was going on worth thinking about, we'll keep in touch, since we both have the same class together, eh?" He smiled and made for the door "Sorry to rush off, but the others had a point, not worth wasting our lunch time. Ciao!" Ken gave a little wave and made for the office, dorm assignments first. [i] Names of the people who saw it, Hoshiko first, then Ryu, then Tsukiko, then Kazu... I'll keep them all in mind. This, Hour of Reflection business, it seems like a bit more than just hallucinations.[/i] Ken's practical mind didn't want to think about it, but there was something distinctly paranormal about it all. On the other hand, his paranoid mind was abuzz with thoughts of government experiments, or some new drug being tested. "Off to the office I suppose."