Hearing the rumblings from the hallway, Guardian looked over to Animal, who was still chatting it up on the couch. A quick nod from his peer, gave Guardian the go ahead to investigate. He made quick work of investigating the scene. He looked quickly at Nathan, and then at the recruits huddled around him. Quickly rushing to his side, Guardian knelt down to aid the boy. He had read up on Nathan, on all of them actually, but he could remember Nathan's abilities, how unstable they were. There was always at least one person like this in the group, and Sanctum handled it pretty well, so he was a bit surprised to see the malfunction. None the less, he knew it was nothing fatal. "Alright, Nathan, let's get you up and rested for a bit." His Somali accent came through again, as he gently talked to the recruit before helping him to his feet, making sure to support him- one of Nathan's arms dragged around his shoulders. He looked to the other recruits who had been standing around Nathan, to see looks of confusion, and one of apparent disgust. Fearing, he'd make things worse, he simply looked away from them and was ready to help Nathan into his room. Put a gun in his hand, and Guardian could handle any situation, but make him speak- and well, things tended to blow up either way.