Guardian aided Nathan to his room, before setting him down on Nathan's bed. Some of his luggage was also on the bed, so Guardian made sure to move it out of the way. "Sorry, they said that you're pretty sensitive to touch, but you gave us a scare out there. The sedatives should be wearing off soon, they're designed to rapidly halt that temper of yours, and then retreat from the body anyway they can." At first, Guardian thought that Nathan probable couldn't hear him, but noticed the grumbling coming from the recruit. He stood halfway between the bed and the door. "You'll probably be very thirty in a minute, but you should be alright. I'll have Vita report this incident to Commander Nunez. We'll get it sorted out..."Guardian looked to the boy for a minute, before extending his hand with a smile. "Nathan, is it not," he asked in a genuinely friendly manner, as if he considered the recruit his peer. "It's okay if you can't shake, just know that the offer is always there comrade."