It was morning. Early morning. She needed to be on time after all. The problem was that she didn't quite know where she was suppose to go. The other Tsukumogami merely pointed in a direct, none of which were the same way. They were pranksters, that was for sure. Yumi had never actually taken a liking to pranks like the others had. It was too much of a hassle and she never found that fun in having someone losing an item or having their outfit's ties become loose. Luckily for her, the others learned not to physically do anything to her not too long after they brought her to the House. Then, on top of pointing her in the wrong direction, they left her in a forest. She knew that drinking sake at the going-away party with the others was a bad idea. On her escape from the forest, every now and then a Tsukumogami would show up on her path and direct her in the right direct. Yumi thought that they might just feel bad about trying to lead her astray on her way to school. She was glad they at least had this side to them, especially after she finally made it out of the forest. The light blinded her slightly as a backpack and a luggage bag with yet another bag attached to it appeared near her. The backpack had a few essentials in it such as wood polish, extra strings, cleaning clothes and a few others. Her main body, which she carried with her the whole time, had a spot in the luggage bag right above the kimono that was nestled in at the bottom. The last bag had nightwear in it. She was glad again they thought of her. On the continuation of her travel, she eventually found a road and followed it the suggested way, until she came upon a tree. More specifically, she come upon a boy that looked to be the age she looked. The Tsukumogami told her just to say she was seventeen if anyone asked. Still, the boy's complaints were something about being lonely. "Does another being here make you feel better?" Yumi asked the boy.