Just going to bump in here and say that I feel my application could use a bit more cleaning up, but seeing as I've been awake for the past 24 hours, and probably won't be here to revise it how I feel fit, I'll leave it here. Also, I'd like to say that Ostarion is TBKrunk and I's friend, and he said he didn't mind our characters being intertwined, just felt it was necessary to state that seeing as Ostarion fell asleep like a meanie weenie. [hider=Caesar Allorn][center][b][u]Username: Scrub Mage[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Caesar Allorn [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 (He claims to be older than Kael and Yara, but they’re triplets so it doesn’t matter.) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/items/107100/13866fa8997b94255cbdf66148012f09235aeb8d.jpg] [b]Affiliation:[/b] Team Rocket [b]Bio:[/b] Like his fellow triplets, Caesar was raised by a Team Rocket Grunt and a Team Rocket Scientist. He never actually sought their approval, like his brother Kael, but he became just as deceitful and cruel. He owes this to the fact that he inherited a lot of traits from their mother, such as her white hair, among other things. He grew quite the taste for some Pokémon, and has since decided that he wants to try a Snorlax. That is the only reason he follows his siblings along, they seem to find their way into all sorts of trouble involving Pokémon, and that usually means good eating, if he’s lucky. Caesar obtained his first Aron, PAIN TRAIN, from a Pokéball that his brother Kael had stolen somewhere along the line, one of the only thefts by Kael. Caesar wasn’t entirely a dimwit focused on eating things; he picked a few skills up watching Kael. But the disappointment on his face when he realized it was a Steel Pokémon was only matched by the smug look on Kael’s face. To spite his brother, he trained the Aron, named it PAIN TRAIN, and used it to catch more Pokémon to eat. The next Aron he obtained was found by PAIN TRAIN, whom had run off. Caesar, full of rage, chased PAIN TRAIN to another Aron. They were in a mountainous region, so it made sense for it to be here. But why keep one Aron, when you could have two? Especially since Kael already had one cool duo. Not being quite creative, Caesar blatantly copied him, except he left his Arons the same color, easier to confuse people, as long as they’re not observant. Many people question him about his dual Arons, and he won’t lie to them. The only reason he keeps them around is “‘cause they’re steel, can’t bite through steel”. He usually ends it with a friendly chuckle, and gives another, fake answer. He’s not cruel to the Arons, in truth he treats them better than his siblings, but that’s because they help him get wild Pokémon. Unlike his siblings, he does not have an agenda when it comes to Team Rocket. Instead, he just does whatever his siblings tell him to. To him there’s no right or wrong. One thing he learned from his parents, and his constant Pokémon hunting with his Arons, was that the weak deserve to be crushed. So it is with pleasure he helps his siblings with defeating a trainer, or doing this or that. They are his blood, after all. And as long as they don’t get in the way of his brutal hunting, he’s fine. Thanks to being dragged along into a group, he has restricted his brutal hunting to the dead of night, a major disappointment for him, but at least it’s something. He usually has one of his siblings with him, for an alibi. But that wouldn’t do much if PAIN TRAIN or MAN O’ STEEL managed to ram their small steel heads into the ribcage of a wild Rattata, and someone heard it. [b]Pokémon:[/b] Caesar has a thing for Steel Pokémon, mostly because it’s hard to eat them. [b][u]PAIN TRAIN[/u][/b] [img=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/archive/b/bb/20100723075352%21304Aron.png] [b]Aron – Male – Level 15[/b] [b]Ability:[/b] Rock Head [b]Moves:[/b] Tackle, Mud-slap, Headbutt, Metal Claw [b][u]MAN O’ STEEL[/u][/b] [img=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/archive/b/bb/20100723075352%21304Aron.png] [b]Aron – Male – Level 15[/b] [b]Ability:[/b] Sturdy [b]Moves:[/b] Tackle, Harden, Headbutt, Metal Claw[/center][/hider]