Touko stopped on her tracks as she heard someone talk to her. Well, to be honest, she wasn't sure if whoever just said 'Hello there' was actually talking to her, but, eh, why the hell not? If she wasn't the objective of the girl who just said that, Touko turned around with quite an exaggerated spin that made her dress wave around along with her. The girl with glasses that stood in front of her seemed to be a senior, a senpai, due to the lack of the white blazer that many girls are using in the first day. Though, she could only have it in her bag, but it seemed somewhat improbable. In a low voice, Touko decided to ask this girl. [B]"Umm, I'm sorry, but are you my senpai or something? Because, well, I don't see your blazer."[/B] She hoped that the girl was as much of a goody-two shoes as her appearance pointed. After all, glasses=nerdy, right? If, by any chance, she was off the mark and the girl was a delinquent or something of the like, then she'd have to make a run for it. Yep, Touko is very simple-minded and sees the world in black and white, it is easier that way, or at least she tries to make it look that way. Of course, the seemingly shy girl in front of the bespectacled senpai was just an act. Though, she had no time to stay there chatting, since she'd rather finish this thing about the dorms quickly. [B]"W-well, if you are coming to the faculty office, then I think it is for the same as I am, so..."[/B] Touko opens the door of the faculty office and steps into it. Almost immedietly, she asks one of the teachers there about the dorms. The old man with glasses, who looked as your stereotypical old teacher in every school, answered her, while handing out some copies to the other teachers. [B]"Oh, about the dorms, huh? Can you tell me your name, dear?"[/B] With shaky hands, the old man reaches out for a pile of papers. [B]"Suzuhara, Touko. First year."[/B] Touko answered, in a somewhat stiff voice. [B]"Let's see here..."[/B] The senior teacher adjusts his glasses to read the file he just picked. [B]"Here you are. Suzuhara-san, you are appointed to Rikkyo Hall, along with some of your classmates and many other upperclassmen. Your stay, and that of your dormmates, is compulsory, though assigments of rooms are up to the students."[/B] He says and hands Touko a copy of the paper. [B]"This is a list of your dormmates."[/B] Touko's eyebrows were twitching with disbelief. [I]'C-compulsory?! B-but, I wanna stay with dad! They are soooo gonna regret this.'[/I] She shakes her head and then mumbles to herself. [B]"Well then, let's see..."[/B] --- In the paper read as the title, "Rikkyo Hall Dorm Assigments." [*]Teacher: Mikihito Kaminari[/*] [B]Students:[/B] [*]Ikizaki, Yikito, First year[/*] [*]Koizumi, Hoshiko, Second year[/*] [*]Kouzuki, Ryu, Second year[/*] [*]Meister, Cruz, First year[/*] [*]Nozomi, Rei, Third year[/*] [*]Okano, Kazu, Second year[/*] [*]Suzuhara, Touko, First year[/*] [*]Yamada, Ken. Second year[/*] [*]Yamamoto, Tsukiko, Second year[/*] 5 other rooms still available. --- Touko's poker face enters into action as she sees this. She seems to be smiling as she mechanically turns around and leaves the Faculty office. In fact, she cannot believe the amount of people, most especifically, males in the dorm. [I]"More than half of them are guys! What the hell are they thinking?!"[/I] She returns to her classroom and slams the sliding door open. She goes up to the teacher's desk and then says, in a somewhat calm, yet menacing voice. [B]"A-are Yikito Ikizaki and Cruz Meister here? I'd like to have a word with them."[/B] She calls out to her fellow classmates that will be with her in the dorm. She needs to put up some limits before anything else.