Here's a prototype CS. Let me know if I'm missing anything Description: [img=] Demigod Form: ? Name: Danny Nelson Age: 10 Race: Human Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Windgracian PoB: A small little village in Windgrace Rank: None Academy: No Skill Type: Innocence Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Too many to list Favorite Interest: If being happy could be called an interest, it would be that. Also baking Dislikes: Negative attitude Love Interest: None Person of Interest: None Fiance/Spouse: None Bestfriend: Anyone willing Rival: None Most Hated Word: Hopeless or anything like it Religion: None Idol God: None Holy Blood: ? Minor/Major: ? Ancient Weapon: ? Opposite: ? Quote: "It's the ugly things in life that make the beautiful things all the more precious" Important Value in Life: Always look on the bright side of life Favorite Food: Bread Household Name: None Ancestry: His entire family was killed in a Dragonite attack Ambition: Nothing that could be called an ambition Sin Guilty of Most: None Title: None Combat Style: None Weapon preference: None Weapon Name: None Magic Systems: None Element: None Weakness: None Magical Level: None Special Skills: ? Personality: Danny is a perpetually happy young orphan...yes, you read that right. Despite having lost his family at a young age, he is a surprising optimist; always happy and seemingly possessing some sort of aura of joy, people around him just can't help but feel some of his good cheer rub off on them Biography: When Danny was just a little boy, a dragon attacked his home village. It rampaged for awhile before being driven off by the villagers...however it was too late; the fire that the dragon spewed from it's maw was spreading fast, consuming everything in it's path. Since Danny's home was a small farming community, there were plenty of things to burn. Because he was playing in a rather large mud puddle at the time, he was spared the flame's one else was as lucky. From his sanctuary of mud, young Danny watched as his entire village, and everyone in it, burned to cinders. Frozen with fear, he found himself unable to move, although that most likely saved his life Half a day later, when the fire had finally died down completely, Danny found the courage to leave his former sanctuary in search of his parents. However, he soon found that not only was he the only one left, but the fire had managed to burn the bodies beyond all recognition. It was then, when the hopelessness and despair of his situation finally hit him, that he began to cry. After he had spent all of his tears, he left the ruins of his old home, in order to find...something He spent the next few weeks fueled on pure hatred; the people of his home never hurt that dragon, so why did he attack them!? Thoughts of revenge were all that kept him going, even though he was powerless, he would live to avenge his home and his family. While he managed to find a few streams and lakes to wash himself and drink from, he was without food. Then one day, he found a moldy chunk of bread on the ground. Without even thinking, he scooped it up and ate it. it had bugs on it, was covered in mold, and was competently filthy ...It was also the most delicious thing he ever had, or ever would eat. As he ate for the first time in two weeks, Danny felt a strange warmth fill him. He no longer felt the same rage as before, in fact, that hatred and anger he used to feel was now starting to look...empty, painfully empty. It was then that Danny had an epiphany; the only reason why that disgusting piece of bread tasted like something fit for a god...was because of how miserable he was. All the dark and bleak things in his life, made all the beautiful things shine ever brighter. Danny was no longer angry. Sure, he was upset that everyone he knew and loved was dead, but he knew that there was no changing it, and that it would only make the good things in his life even better. A few days latter, he came across a man camping. The man, seeing his poor state, quickly got him food and water. Danny told the man his story, and he was both heartbroken by how tragic it was, and moved by Danny's positive outlook. He decided right then and there that he would take the boy in as his apprentice, and ever since then, Danny has been studying the art of baking under him, at the capital of Windgrace