"Ah ha! This was great!" Felix cheerfully awoke and stretched his arms as he woke up on a king sized bed. It was something he was certainly going to miss, abusing his brother-in-law's credit card. He had just gotten so used to it, and well, the man was rich, so he never noticed when a few hundred euros went missing, he noticed even less the fact that Felix would just up and vanish around the same time. Felix chuckled, "Silly Luis, I will miss your wallet." He picked up his family's photo, which he always places beside the bed he slept in, in the picture was him and his older sister smiling happily, with her happy little puppet of a husband half cut off on the side. "Well, wish me luck sis," He paused as he caught his reflection in a window, "Ooohh, yeah," He struck a few poses, "Not that I need luck." He laughed and continued to get ready. He had a journey ahead of him. He still had a two hour taxi ride to get to the stinking bus stop for his school. If only they allowed for Taxis. The ride was pretty entertaining, Felix struck gold as he found one of the few female taxi drivers in the area. They had a great conversation, she was surprised at how well he spoke the language, and asked many questions about his home and family. Things seemed to be going exceptionally well...till she asked him why he was getting dropped off at a random bus stop, which didn't really strike her till they almost arrived. "Uhm...I have to take a..." Thinking about what he could tell her, then just giving up and using his allure on her. The rest of the ride was silent, a tad boring, but better than having to think a lot prior to even getting to school. Arriving at the stop, he had her get out and open the door for him, he then moved his luggage from the trunk and took a look around, she on the other hand, drove off with a rather puzzled look on her face. Upon seeing two others, Felix reasoned that they must also be students. He eyed them up, and down, all the while just standing beside the road with his bags beside him. "Well this seems to be a really party so far." He let out a sigh.