Seraphina smiled softly back at her father as she saw the warm, indulgent smile he only wore for her light up his face. He gestured for her to take her appointed seat next to his own, a grand throne like chair with intricate carvings all over its dark polished surface, the only difference between them was the size and height. Her ladies came around behind her and stood unobtrusively off to the side, this was not their place and she would not need them properly until after the council session. Sitting neatly in her cushioned chair Seraphina positioned herself so her long skirt pooled tidily around her, back straight and poised she assumed a regal expression, she was here to support her father and it seemed like today he needed it. Watching as the large doors into the hall were pushed open in a wide sweeping gesture, Seraphina glanced out the corner of her eyes and saw her father’s face become furious, a look she had not seen on his face in quite some time. Turning her eyes back to the hall she watched as the Seneschal made his way nervously up the hall, he looked pale and sweaty and she had the impression he was the bringer of bad news. In a timid and faltering voice Broadmere announced the arrival of a … Minstrel. A Minstrel was the cause of all this commotion. Seraphina sat up a little straighter, her violet eyes watchful as the man swaggered into the hall. She was not sure what she had been expecting but he certainly wasn’t it, he looked nothing like any minstrel she had ever seen at any ball or fete. For now she just watched him intently while he and her father bandied words, all the while she was left in a state of shock at the nerve of the minstrel. Did he not realise to whom he was addressing in his insolent tone, from what she could surmise he was claiming that land was unduly taken from his family. As hard as she tried to hide it she was sure that her face may have betrayed how affronted and insulting she found his attitude. Did he believe that because he had a handsome face he could speak in such a way to a Lord, to his betters? Finally his demands were made, all he wished was to play for them for the three nights of festivities and nothing more, with that done he would apparently relinquish all claim upon the lands. As the minstrel confirmed his request his eyes left her father for the first time and alighted on her, looked her over and winked. If her father had not been already taxed by this upstart Seraphina would have demanded that this commoner be taught a lesson about insolence to those above his station however as it was she had been the only one to have seen it. Catching his eye in return she scowled at him for the merest of moments before turning her nose up and looking away from him. By the time she looked around again the minstrel was gone from the hall, presumably he had been given a place to stay in the castle. They were once again alone, well apart from her ladies, the Seneschal and a guard or two and Seraphina allowed her emotions to run. Rising quickly but gracefully she paced before her father. “I have never met someone with the insolence to speak thusly before a Lord. How dare he? Who does he think he is, coming in here with his demands!” She seethed quietly, never losing her poise or acting in an undignified manner, she had been brought up with the correct posture and behaviour since birth and it was as natural as breathing. Taking a deep breath she gave herself a mental shake and once again returned to her cool and proper behaviour, stopping her pacing and looking at her father. “Was there any more court business to attend to father? If not I have duties to see to in preparation for tonight,” She smiled warmly, “most importantly I must see that my gown and mask are all arranged for the masque, it would not do for any to outshine me.”