"How about names? My name's Miles Hall, but I really don't want to stick around..." ...let's forget I said the latter half of that. "How about names? My name's Miles Hall." I felt as if my sentence got suddenly cut off.... "I... well, first we're no longer human, second we all fought off some insane bird and dragon, third we're apparently going to enter a portal and get ourselves killed. I don't really think this is a good idea..." I usually come off as a hesitant person. Sometimes, I get pretty euphoric or serious (as seen earlier), but confusion was the best way to deal with the world at the moment. "I just stumbled here from the hospital, since I had nowhere else to go and... well, nobody likes the north, and East Metropolis seems to be burning. I mean, you can make out that cloud of smoke..." I squinted my eyes as I began pointing at our cityscape, cursing the presence of high-rises with broken windows and yelling dragons as I looked back at everyone. "Frickin' buildings blocking our view." Time passes by quickly. First we're talking, second we're into healing and rest. Sounds like my hospital room for the first year, before getting used to all the hair loss and false news of recovery. "Hm?" That blue hybrid got my attention. I was just looking around the place and spying on everything until I heard a sentence from him. A twitch occurred somewhere in my body, while I carefully watched his claws that could've shocked the bird. "Oh yeah. I think I've asked a few already, though." Then, I had to deal with someone known as Elena, a... er, unicor... rhin... just a plain dragon with dark colourations. I tried turning on my heels, but... I didn't have any. As said earlier, we weren't human anymore... oh well, turning with feet worked. Although it was a bit hard, considering how I was a blob. "Uh, no. Not while walking all the way here, sorry." Then, I had to- wait. That's all I needed to do for now. That, and ensuring my own survivability in a world where society collapsed within a minute.