Enly'air didn't rise to the beast's taunting, nor did she react to his posturing. She merely said, "And I you" and continued walking. The travel was slow, much slower than it had been getting there, but the pair arrived in the main chamber below the black lake after two hours of travel. She had seen the eels and runners through her closed eyes, keeping away from the beast with the eyes of death. Xir'ain must have ordered the eels to keep away, as she doubted their intelligence was enough to comprehend futility. Waiting for them, speaking to an imp that he quickly spirited away from Balon's sight, was Xir'ain. The tunnel suddenly ended as it met the cavernous chamber, the bottom far below and the walls covered in countless more tunnel entrances, forcing Enly'air to push off the stone and swim up to where her master waited. His golden eyes, nothing like that pale imitation's, radiated outwards in ribbons of golden light, sweeping over his construct and the giant. No part of his face moved as his words fell down through the dark water. "Balon, do you wish to see out of those blind eyes again?"