From behind the many ornate doors in the hallway of the house, sounds of physical pleasure could be heard. Taya strolled through the hallway, making sure to look like she wasn't patrolling, as if she was simply there to provide ambiance for her patrons. She wished that she was, that she didn't need to patroll her own brothel, just to make sure her workers, or friends, were not being tortured that right moment. She sighed, and was about to turn around when she stood still, her eyed alarmed, before relaxing when she traced the gasping sounds back to the room that was reserved especially for that kind of sounds. She had gotten too easily to scare, it was ridiculous. Her coworkers were safe for now, and she should get out there to do her job. She nodded and walked back through the hallway, giving a patron who was walking towards a room with a girl at his side a smile that held a hint of seductiveness. It was something she taught all her workers when they came in: when a patron has made his choice, keep up the atmosphere, but never give him enough to make him regret his choice. Nothing soured relationships between the girls worse than patrons who ditched one for the other. Once she went through the door that seperated the public space from their own living quarters, she hastened her step. She was behind schedule, and while she had never been a careful planner before, she had learned quickly that schedule is important if you run a business. The cook was still in the kitchen, washing dishes while waiting for the bread to be done. She wasn't the only one who was late she guessed, as she went around packing the leftovers from their breakfast in a basket. The girls didn't seem to have been hungry, and even though she only gathered the best ingredients, soon her basket was full. It was late, but she did still have some time to take the basket to the soup kitchen.