"I will admit to being use to other colors, but green isn't too bad. It's a better color than a white uniform." Yumi said aloud. "That would look downright tacky." The girl looked over her own outfit and found it fairly fitting and to the boy she was with. It didn't look all too bad on him. Nothing like he claimed at least. "And I'm not exactly a lady. I don't think so at lea. . ." She was interrupted by the sound of a vehicle driving down the road. She assumed it was the bus at first but that wasn't the case when she saw the yellow car that was heading towards them. "I think that would be a worse color than this green." She mentioned to the boy before another got out of the car. He wasn't bad looking. Neither were really. For her though, it was mostly just an aesthetic sense of what a "good" face was and a "bad" face. When he spoke and sighed she was curious why everyone seemed so down already. As far she could tell, they had both just gotten there. With that logic, the chances of others showing up soon could be good. "Well, small parties have their own benefits." Yumi said to the newcomer. She looked between the two there, "Perhaps we could stand some introductions. My name is Yumi. . ." She paused for a second as if forgetting something and quickly continued, "Fuwa! My name is Yumi Fuwa."