[quote=Beebee2121] He threw himself down in the nearest chair which happened to be near a guy, a new face. "Did you say something? Who are you?" His tone implied a small measure of hostility, but it was purely misdirected. He looked the guy up and down and narrowed his eyes at the book in his hands. [/quote] Mikael noticed the brown-haired guy sit near him. He seemed to have heard him when he read the book's title aloud. "Oh, I was just reading. I'm Mikael. Who are you? Are you 'crazy' too?" he said, doing the whole air quotes gesture. He took the time his sight was away from the book as an opportunity to observe the other patients. He saw a seemingly shy girl, and then the guy near the books, and noticed the similarity in their image. [i]"Twins, huh. They look pretty normal. Compared to this guy, anyway."[/i] he thought. He decided he should talk to the guy near him more, so he asked him a question. "Have you been here long? Maybe you can give me tips, show me the ropes? Where are the hot nurses?" he said. Mikael looked at the man, gauging him. He noticed the man's burn scars on his arms, and seen from his side, there seemed to be a patch under his ear, too. This only took Mikael's curiosity. Granted, anything can grab his curiosity in the asylum. "So, you've got a lot of burns. You mind if I ask?" he said.