I loved that Cordelia was the true supreme. I just wish it could've been figured out sooner so Misty didn't get stuck in her hell and I'd prefer it be Misty and Myrtle beside Cordelia to welcome the new students. I'm glad Madison died though. It was about damn time I hated her. Zoe.. eh she could've stayed dead I could care less. But it's good Kyle got a place finally. He's their new butler. He took Spalding's place. Oh man seeing Fiona? I was shooocked! and when she got up with the knife in hand I was SO scared she was going to slit Cordelia's throat or something but I'm glad she didn't. Yet it sucks she stayed in her own personal hell for eternity. I'm sure with that public announcement there would be sure to bring witch hunters if they would push for a second coven season but that's not how AHS works sadly. All in all it was good. But there were things I'd rather of changed. Just a bit. I'll head in for a nap later. :)