The only part that upsets me is, I was really gearing up to start using 'WHEREVER WHORES GO' in my world cup commentary on reddit, thinking that show-watchers would soon understand. I really miss that line. It's.... I mean, I can understand why, from a show perspective, it's difficult to reminisce, and it's difficult to make us remember who the fuck was Tysha, and difficult to get into Tyrion's head to explain all that. I'm not saying I could do better. But maybe work it in with Shae instead -- perhaps Shae could run off to WHEREVER WHORES GO. The acrobatics would have been worth it. I wanted that line BAD. other than that.... shoot, the skeleton scene was strangely amazing, and Brienne fighting the Hound was *awesome*. They do the whole epic crossing-of-the-swords fantasy fight, and then shit gets real and it turns into a fucking brawl? Perfect! I suppose CleganeBowl is still on the table then, right? Stoneheart..... okay, look, yes, she should've been cameo'd. But look at it this way. They two books to work with (well, one and a half) and they have to turn them into at least one, maybe even two more seasons. We're going to need stoneheart later. And besides, this season was Valar Morghulis -- she fits much better under Valar Dohaerys. [hider=bookspoilerkinda]get amped for the War of the Two Queens[/hider]