The wall was cold, dry and solid and nothing more would be found by closer inspection. Jessics knew this and was frustrated by her tries to rationalise her surroundings, the fact of the matter was that she was stuck here and no matter if she's sane or not it made no difference. "I'm already fed up" she sighed knowing that an hour into her sentence she was already bored and unwilling to fight. If this is her coffin she felt as though she should at least have the decency to lie in it and die. However modern thoughts of ideology and fairness in the world made her feel the need to carry on. "It was only fair" she commented into the wind and braced herself to charge the door down, her foot kicked up dirt as she once again ran towards a closed door, this time knowing full well she was going to make impact, her hands were out in front ready for the pain. But as they touched the rusted orange centre mass of the door it fell open. "Not locked" she felt stupid for a moment before she realised she hadn't prepared herself for if the door didn't stop her. A loud wallop echod down the hall as she ran chest first into the wall opposite her door and clattered to the ground with a bloody nose and a bit lip. "Stupid" she coughed and spat some blood that had leaked into her mouth from her split lip. After regaining composure she followed the sound of voices, for she had no reason to believe guards would want her to stick around in cell if she wasn't locked in. She reached the entrance where the voices came from and before entering she wiped the fresh warm blood from her nose and lip with her scarf and discarded it on the floor. The room was filled with people of many ages, it looked calm and not entirely how ahe pictured a prison, however distrust of the situation caused her to freeze in the doorway and merely watch events unfold. She tasted the warm metallic taste of blood as it continued to leak, she feared at the pace it leaked that she wouldn't be standing too much longer.