As John was still observing from the wall, he noticed the few new things happening, a few started talking, the guy had burns on his body... And there even was a twin now... What was quite fascinating, for there never has been a twin here for the past few months... As he started to observe further, he noticed the guy with the mask, probably placed his teeth in the guards... A grin left my lips as he continued to observe, as he just wanted to get out his notebook a girl started to walk into the room, the smell of blood surrounded her, wich was new in the asylum... A boy walked towards her, as it seemed he was quite nervous, for he probably got a bit scared because of her appearance... A grin left his lips again as he got out his notebook, three months of information was writen inside of it, only the inmportant items were writen down and so they were of great inmportance to John... As these new things accured, he wrote them down aswell, each of them gaining a new page in the notebook, for each of them had more hidden than they showed and if John loved one thing, it was having information about the persons who interests them. As he writes down the items of inmportance, he keeps glancing into the room, keeping an eye on every single thing that happens around here...