Joseph came out of the subway station only to realize that he had gotten off at the wrong stop. Ah well, at least he'd have a half decent reason for being late to work. As he walked through the town, he began to feel a bit peckish. This feeling only intensified as he passed what appeared to be a two story apartment building that had been refurbished for business; and smelled of fresh bread. Checking his watch again, he headed into what he assumed was a restaurant or diner of some sort. Upon entering he was greeted by a variety of especially... Friendly women as well as a horde of sleazy men who looked a bit tipsy, he began to stutter as he thought of what to do. Soon, however, there was a crashing sound from outside, and he turned to see what it was. A gunman, and a... Homeless person?[i] What the hell...[/i] Soon, there was an explosion of force, and the gunman's car jolted in a violent motion. At this movement, the homeless man began to flee. Joseph dropped his suitcase in the brothel and began to chase the now fleeing man in the red hoodie. "Hey!" He called out. "How did that happen? How did you do that?" As he shouted this, Joseph began to do two things. First, he began to transfer his bodily energy to his legs, arms, and heart, accelerating rapidly. Additionally, he had begun to scan this man's body for abnormal DNA, and while he couldn't find anything, something was off about this man... His body was practically rippling with potential energy. If anything, Joseph was going to find out what this man was.