"She is safe, Your Majesty. The princess is currently waiting in the servants' quarters." Aeden worried about having left her the way he did. He wondered if there could have been a more tactful way that he could have gone about this, but it seemed a bit late now. Inwardly sighing, he realized that things would only get worse between them when he was finally able to tell her the full truth of the situation. There was simply no way to tell someone that a large part of their life was practically a lie and that they were now in danger because of it without them having some sort of highly negative reaction. Looking up at the queen, the servant could still see some signs of the queen's state of grief on her face. He knew that it couldn't have been easy to hear such grave news, and that it probably wouldn't be any easier to deal with their next problem so soon after. He couldn't hesitate, though. Not with the orders he had been given by the now-deceased prince and the threat currently being posed to his charge. "If the Fae are here, though, I fear that we may not have much longer before the truth is discovered. It may be best to move now before they have the chance to do so." Aeden stood silently to allow the queen some time to decide what should be done. Perhaps they did not need to move just yet, but time was running out with the Fae at the doorstep. Someone would likely figure it out. If they did not move immediately, then they would only have to leave later, and there would probably be more difficulty then. "I await your command, Your Majesty. Do you wish to go to your daughter now, or do you have other orders for me at this time?"