Yua woke up to the constant beep of her alarm on her cell phone and groaned before turning over and hitting it off the bed. She effectively did absolutely nothing to the alarm as it continued to beep louder now close to her bed and out of her sleepy reach. She let out another groan and opened her eyes as she crawled to the edge of her bed. Her hair was an absolute mess over her eyes and she picked up the annoying device from the floor; her fingers clumsily working to unlock it and turn off the alarm. Once she pressed the dismissed button she placed it on her bed side table once more and brushed her hair away from her eyes. Taking a look at her digital clock her eyes opened wide and she shot from her bed heart racing in her chest. [b]“Oh crap! I'm going to be late!”[/b] she yelled as she stumbled over her luggage that she had packed the night before. Her suitcases ran all along her floor as she didn't want to block the door so she could make a quick escape in the morning. She caught herself as she rushed over to her large bathroom and started the shower with a deft movement of her hand. She grabbed up her toothbrush and started to brush her teeth and her hair at the same time. She stopped with the toothbrush in her mouth as she struggled against a knot in her hair, and with a muffled cry of victory she brushed it free. She dropped her brush on the counter-top and quickly spat out the tooth paste before rinsing off the toothbrush. She sprang into the shower, having to catch her balance once more, and made quick work of her shower. While she was working as fast as she possibly could she made sure that everything was taken care of as well. She of course didn't want to disgrace herself as a succubus. As she finished up her hair she turned off the water and grabbed out for a towel. When her fingers caught nothing but air she realized that she didn't place a towel there the night before, and in her haste forgot to grab one this morning. A frown ran across her face as she decided she would bolt out of the shower and into her room to grab the towel that was laying across her chair. She opened the shower door the rest of the way and she was off. She raced across the large bathroom and through the threshold of the door, but she was not fast enough as she reached for the towel the door to her bedroom opened. She screamed as she wrapped the towel around her. The one now staring shocked at her was one of her mother's puppet boyfriends, to let her know that her breakfast was ready. [b]“Have you never heard of knocking you pervert!?”[/b] she screamed out in Japanese at the weird small man that looked peered up at her. The towel was securely around her now as to hide her modesty from the perverted man. He looked to the floor and closed the door most of the way softly announcing that her food was ready. She told him that she would be down shortly, and as the door closed muttered to herself about how the men her mother took where always complete idiots and perverts. As she dried off and made her way back to the mirror, she slowly put her hair up into a high bun and finished it off with a purple flower pin. She smiled at her reflection before moving to put on her new uniform. While she wasn't the biggest fan of the color scheme she admitted that it could be a lot worse, and the skirt could have been a lot longer. She looked herself over in the mirror once more before she turned to the clock and she shook her head. Grabbing all of her luggage, one going on her back, a backpack over that, a bag under her left arm, her purse on her right and a rolling bag behind her in her right hand. She rushed into the kitchen on her way to go out the door when she remembered that she didn't have any breakfast. Luckily for her it was western style today. After a few strips of bacon where gone into her stomach she grabbed the buttery toast in her mouth and darted out the door. She was lucky to be at least a little strong for her weight as carrying all her luggage like this was a breeze for her and her mother seemed to pick the right place for her to make it to school. She frowned at the thought of her mother and took up her free hand to grab the toast so she could swallow a bite. She stuck it back in her mouth and clamped down as she adjusted the pack on her left shoulder and then continued in her full on run to the bus stop. She had decided the night before that she didn't want to take the car, because none of the men where even close to her and her mother wasn't going to be there to see her off. So she wanted to make her way to the bus stop, but seeing how she had forced her alarms into snooze seemingly while she was still asleep, she was now running to make sure she wouldn't be late for the bus. Yua made it down block after block as she raced for the bus stop and when it came into sight she slowed down a little with relief entering her mind. She hadn’t missed it, on the contrary, she seemed to be of the few that had made it there early. She waved to the group with her free hand as she clutched her purse and continued at a jog to make it to the big tree in front of the stop. She overheard the group starting to make introductions and when she made it close to the group she dropped her bags from her left hand, seeing as she had an opening now, and spoke in a muffled tone. [b]“My names Yua Ch....”[/b] she realized that the toast was still in her mouth and she yanked it out and swallowed the bitten off piece before speaking again. [b]“Hi everyone! My name is Yua Chou! I can't wait to start school with all of you!”[/b] With the end of her sentence she bowed respectively and went back to eating her toast.