After not too long Veleno put down her pencil again and looked at what she had drawn. For now, the result of the time and effort she had put into the drawing was good enough to her. Looking up from the drawing, she watched the others that were in the room. A girl with blood on her face and a guy with some kind of mask. Except from those two, everyone in there looked pretty... normal, like they didn't belong in a place like this. Veleno knew from herself that she wasn't insane. She certainly didn't belong here. No matter if her grandma would believe her or not, Veleno's power was real and she knew it. She had seen what it was capable of and used it, even if she didn't mean to. She was a murderer yes, but not insane. Maybe she should be in prison for what she had done, but not in an asylum. Sighing again, Veleno tried to push the thoughts aside. She was stuck in here, whether she liked it or not, so she might as well get used to the place and the label they had given her. Pushing the thoughts aside, she quickly got bored of watching people and for a moment thought about starting a conversation with someone, but she quickly dismissed the thought.