Johnny felt the waves of force ripple against the man as he was covered from the cfire that was suddenly coming at him, although while he was still trying to figure out what was going on he noticed that it all ended, but not before he caught the last bit of his savior dissapearing into a crowd, her smiled, at least now he knew what he was doing today, so he chased after the man, not entirely sure why it happened, but for damn sure that he was going to figure out what was happening, plus if there were other people with abilities, other people like him, they should probably at least meet up, at the very least it was an adventure. Johnny was so busy thinking this that he barely noticed the man dressed in formal business attire that had joined him in the chase of the strange homelessman, only a few steps behind him, finally dropping his soundlessness, the sudden onrush of sound and stimuli almost downing him he grimaced and put on a burst of speed as he rounded a corner.