Hiro narrowed his eyes at the book again and nodded curtly. He didn't understand reading for pleasure, but he tried it a few times. It killed time, but he sucked at reading. "Mikael. I'm Hiro," He said and a wry grin slid on his face, "I'm as 'crazy' as they come." He also used air quotes. He was starting to like this guy, but a lot of it had to do with their conversation being the cure for his boredom. People didn't talk much in the asylum after being around for so long. "I lost count. Too fucking long, if you ask me." He sank back into the chair and stretched his legs out in front of him. "There's not many ropes to get either. Rule number one: Stay away from that guy." He jutted a thumb over to the masked man. "He bites." Subconsciously, he rubbed the scar on the side of his jaw. "I like to play with fire," He said, choosing his words carefully, "And when you play with fire, you get burned. But with enough practice, it's not so bad."