Laura sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "Okay. We need to leave. All three of us. IF they assassinated the rest of the royal family and they find out that there is still one living they will kill her. If my husband finds out that Genevieve is not his child he will kill me." She nodded, "We will be leaving. First I need to explain all of this to my daughter. It needs to be me that does it." She took in a deep breath, "Okay. Lets go get the Princess and make the arrangements on where we should go." "Take me there and then leave me. I want you to go get some food together. Say that you are taking Genevieve on a hunting trip with the Queen. They won't refuse it. Get enough for a few weeks. Then go to my quarters. In the bottom right drawer is a bag filled with enough money to last us a year. I've kept it just in case I need to leave with her. Then meet us down by the stables in an hour with everything I asked you to get. I will worry about clothing and such." She then was led to where Genevieve was hiding. Little did they know a Fae guard was following them closely. Once Aeden left the room to go do the things Laura asked the Queen sat down next to her daughter. The Princess looked at her with wide eyes and asked, "Whats going on, mom?" The Queen sighed and looked down at her hands. "I have a long story I need to tell you." She closed her eyes and launched into the story of how she met Cirro. She went through the entire story while Genevieve listened with a look of shock spread across her face. "Aeden was sent by Cirro, your real father, to look after you. He is Fae and so are you. Unfortunately, your father has been assassinated along with the rest of the Fae royal family. You are a part of that family and the people that arrived today may want to kill you to. So we are going to--" The Queen was cut off by the door slamming open. Suddenly the Fae's guards and a few human ones were flooding the room. They seized the Queen and the Princess. It was then that the King entered, "You betrayed me, Laura. This is not my daughter! How could you tell me she was? For 20 years?" He could have been hurt, but only the anger showed on his red face. "Bring them to the dungeon. We execute the Queen tomorrow for adultery and Genevieve the following day for impersonation of a member of my royal family." With that the two were dragged from the room and downstairs into the dungeon.