@Duth: Yeah, I understand. Retarded was being used as the medical term, not the insult. :3 Twin is based off of my cat, a mentally impaired kitten who definitely has pica and possibly something else. Her entire litter has issues, so I assume that her quirks came from inbreeding. I love her anyway! @Rune: Thanks! And I actually like her uppity-ness. She's gonna get hit [i]hard[/i] with life out on the open road, having to *GASP* camp outside and eat frozen meals! *evil plotting face* @Hawthorne: Uh, your pokemon is [i]waaaay[/i] too high-leveled. Perhaps a level 20 Litwick? Our group is currently at Cerulean, the second badge city, so their levels are around 15-20 ish. @Synchronize: Yes, we ARE accepting! :D Members are allowed two characters, one "nice normal trainer" and one "Team Rocket trainer." No gender ratio, so feel free to make two girls or two guys.