Miki sat just outside of her window, looking out into the dark, yet brooding city of the hills. The rain made things better as she enjoys hearing the downpour of the rain while sightseeing. She knew that school would be starting tomorrow and she would have to deal with people because of it. She didn't want to make friends because of her attitude and her traumatic experience a long time ago. She took notice of the few words on the tv when the weatherman on the news channel came up, including, rain over a few days, mysterious disappearances, and other stuff. Miki sighs and turned off the tv. [I]School huh...I"m here to learn and not make friends. That is all.[/i] She exclaimed in her mind. Just then, her mother came in. "Miki." her mother spoke to her, it's starting to get late, you might want to go to bed soon." She walked closer to Miki. She put her hands behind her hips in quietness. "I understand you wanting to go to learn and not make friends. I can understand that. But I don't like the idea of you being alone in school. Sure there's alot of bad people out there. But i'm sure you'll find the right group to hang out with." She put her hands on Miki. "Mom...I don't know. I've been alone for quiet some time. I'm not sure if there's anybody out there that will be my friend." MIki closed her eyes. She continued to stare out into the darkness, hoping to find something there in this unfilling void of her mind. "Sure there will. Just have faith in yourself and be outgoing when needed to." her mother joyfully said to Miki. "Well i'm heading off the bed, so see you tomorrow." she left and closed the door. MIki stood staring out the for a few seconds before responding in her head. [i]Thank you mom. I wish I could, that event...scarred me for life. I'm not sure if I can be ever outgoing like in the past.[/i] A tear dropped from her eye and onto the ground. She closed the window, switched into her white gown up close to her thighs for her sleepwear, turned off the lights and went to bed. She had this weird feeling that something is going to happen there tomorrow that might change her.