As the young boy from Bismoll sat down meditating as was the usual for him he could not help but reflect on all that had brought him to this point in his life as he usually did. Hey Hapalo may not be the most elegant of the Lantern Core Greens but he had his own flair. He calmly breathed in...and out slowly and surely he would get through this day. He had already practiced some of his constructs and while the galaxy was always in some sort of peril, he was not the one to go save everyone unless he absolutely had to since his sector was patrolled by the legion he was not in any hurry to go and see what may be going on over there and thus conflict the core with them unless he had no choice. In other words he didn't want to cause a war until he was ready to actually call himself a Green Lantern. Some of his comrades felt that being more active was better while he himself thought that there was a time for everything and it was better to be prepared and late than to be under prepared and be ineffective. That being said he wish he could do something...but the nagging feeling....that sense of being unable to do things right was where he was conflicted. While he was in no hurry to go and storm the the sector going to hunt baddies, he was still only six months in and he didn't feel he was fully prepared just yet. His training was coming through and he was called a natural but what could he really do if he faced off against some awesome experienced enemy? He'd probably just be in over his head. That's why he wanted to confirm he was ready to go out to do his duty when his teachers said that he was. Caution is what could have saved the cat as the saying went around the Corps HQ.