~A NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS~ [img=http://media.eventhubs.com/images/p4a/character_header_yukiko.jpg] [hider=Reya] [img=http://www.fightersgeneration.com/nx3/char/persona4arena/s/yukiko-umbrella.gif] [hider] [b]Name/Nickname:[/b] Reya Descarta/Rey [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Weapons/Equipment/Armor: [/b] [center]~Priestess~ | Long Range Assault Parasol (LRAP)|[/center] Priestess is a pink, seemingly harmless, parasol, with a maroon shaft, and a slightly longer protrusion at the top, which acts as the barrel for this stylish weapon. The parasol is built with a very light, yet incredibly durable, metal infused with Dust, to act as a sort of shield. The Dust infusion passively absorbs residual Aura in the air, infusing the rounds with an extra punch of power. The user fires Priestess by sharply pulling the bottom section of the shaft, which also acts as the clip. It's ejected once it's out of ammo, and Reya can slap in another cartridge. In order to aid visibility, as the parasol can obstruct view, the underside of the parasol can display a holographic targeting screen, which displays what is in front of weapon. Reya uses 4 types of ammo: Normal Rounds Sakura Rounds (A shot that goes forward, then bursts into pink petal-like shrapnel that can shred unarmored foes) Boost Rounds (Inherently powerful rounds, mainly used to perform high jumps or facilitate a backstep. Can produce significant force, enough to knock an opponent back a bit) Med Rounds (When fired, produces a cloud of Dust which revitalizes the body. Loses potency fast, to prevent enemies from benefiting from it.). Priestess is not without it's downsides. It is not a rapid-fire weapon, and is more similar to a sniper rifle. Each cartridge contains about five shots, and without the Aura infusion Priestess bestows, the bullets aren't very remarkable. The Aura stores of the weapon hold enough to power up one clip, and if Reya uses specialized ammo, the Aura stores get used up in one shot. Aura takes about 8 hours to fully replenish it's stores. Reya can, in emergencies, use her own Aura to fuel Priestess, but it is incredibly draining. She is also practically completely vulnerable from the back when using Priestess. For these reasons, Priestess is not the form which Reya's weapon normally takes, instead being her heavier, specialized weapon. [center]~Rings of Saturn~ |Dust-Infused Bladed Rings (DIBR)|[/center] The Rings of Saturn are Reya's go-to weapons. The parasol portion of Priestess breaks apart and slides down the shaft, forming the bladed edges of the chakrams. The shaft, which is segmented, snaps into two halves, each bending to form two maroon, pink-edged rings. These chakrams are very versatile weapons, thanks to the Dust infused metal which up their construction. Reya is able to focus her Aura on the Rings, and recall them after launching them at an enemy. She can also manipulate them in mid-air, slightly (I.E. Tossing it, orbiting it around her, then catching it.) They are also effective melee weapons, providing a graceful and powerful method of close-quarters combat. When exposed to a Dust crystal, the Rings of Saturn can take on Dust properties, such as being enshrouded by ice or fire. This saps the crystals, of course, as well as using some of Reya's Aura as a propellant. This can obviously put a strain on her, but it's not as great as fueling Priestess. Semblance: Reya's Aura is a deep maroon, but she doesn't know much about how to use it besides funneling it into her weapon. However, things sometimes seem to float around her and crash down when she gets agitated, hinting at something to do with gravity. (Her Aura allows her to alter her own gravitational field to allow higher jumps and crashing impacts, though she is not aware of this yet. This does not extend to the gravity of others, at least not for a long time.) [b]Hobbies:[/b] Baking, oh, I don't know...[b]cookies[/b], perhaps? Baking in general, really. She also dances and paints. [b]Bio: [/b] Reya grew up in Vale, enjoying life in the city and admiring the Huntsman and Huntresses of Beacon. Her family, the Descartas, produced a few notable subjects, namely her father and her mother, Sylas and Gloria. There was no question that when the time came, Reya would be sent to Signal Academy to begin her career as a Huntress. While she did indeed admire them, Reya had reservations about wanting to be one. It looked so dangerous, and so tiring...was she up for it? It didn't help that, once she did get into Signal, the pressure from her family increased tenfold, and Reya feared that she just might break. They expected such great things, for her to be the next best Huntress...her father even attempted bribery to get her the highest class weapon components as possible. Reya turned him down promptly, ordering that she be left alone to her studies. Though they were appalled at such insubordinate behavior, Reya's wish was granted. It gave her time to think. In the beginning, it was forced on her, but now, she was a bit more warm to the idea. Signal had influenced her that way, at least, and she began constructing her weapon, Priestess, on her own. After a while, Reya had cooled down, and went to apologize to her father when she had learned he'd gone out to the woods, and was attacked by a Nevermore. She was shocked, baffled that he was even alive. Apparently, the only thing that kept him that way was his incredible Aura. The attack inspired Reya to go all the way, modifying her flashy weapon to also act as bladed rings when the need arose. Reya ended up getting into Beacon with no issues, making her parents proud. Looking forward to the coming year, she plans on making her family proud, and adding another name to the Descartas book of success. [b]Personality:[/b] Reya is a determined, very focused girl, with wide ambitions and a drive to reach them. Tempered from years of high expectations, hardly anything can stop her once she's got her mind set. Add this to her normally sunny outlook, and you've got yourself a young woman who's ready to take on the world. However, there is one thing she can't seem to handle well, and that's anger. While her skin is thick, somethings can just get under it and make her livid. It's not good for your general health to be around her during these fuming sessions, or challenge her to a sparring match. Because she will most certainly try her hardest to knock you on your ass. Otherwise, she is normally placid, even in the midst of battle. Reya makes it a point to incorporate grace into her fighting style, practically dancing across the battlefield. She holds this same grace in social situations, generally getting along greatly with most people. Those excluded from "most" are just plain jerks, and especially racists. Reya most definitely does not agree with the Black Fang or anti-Faunist ideals, though her family does. This may be why she has problems handling anger, due to the amount she internalized at home. In the depths of this shining pool of dedication, lie the shadows of fear. Reya fears that she will lose those close to her, namely friends, and will throw her life on the line in an instant to save those in danger. Along with this is her fear of being alone, and her fear of failure. Such things leave her in states of disconnect, often causing her to space out and dwell far too much on the issues. [b]Post Sample:[/b] [hider=Post Sample yay!] The sun was beginning to set over a gorgeous ocean horizon. This was possibly Reya's favorite time of day. A time of reflection, of rest, and just enjoying the world's beauty. Standing on her balcony, she took a deep breath and sighed in delight. The day was nearly upon her. Tomorrow, she'd take her things and go skipping off to Beacon Academy. It was almost too exciting to be true! The prospects of the coming year danced in her mind, like overly excited children begging for her attention.Stepping back into her room, she closed the doors to the balcony and moved to the suitcase that sat expectantly on her bed. Reya gave a look around. She'd sure miss this room...it was painted maroon, one of her favorite colors, with a closet opposite the balcony, a mahogany nightstand, and posters of all the famous Huntsman and Huntresses she could think of. With a smile that threatened to stretch her face irreparably, Reya wasted no more time shoveling all the clothes, the Dust her family had given her as a gift, and any cartridges of ammo for Priestess she could fit in the luggage. After tossing in some paint and brushes, Reya shut the suitcase and turned to look in the corner. There sat Priestess, folded and ready for the big day. As the sun sank lower, Reya set the case aside and fell onto her bed. "Soon, Remnant will know my name..." She whispered, a promise she made with herself a long time ago. The thought gave her a buzz unlike any other. The anticipation finally getting her, Reya crawled into bed, and fell into restful sleep, visions of brutally slaying Grimm playing in her dreaming mind. [/hider]