[i]Read that one, and that one...[/i] Alex thought to himself as he pushed one book after another aside with his finger. [i]That one was too weird to read. Skimmed that one - not interesting...[/i] Books in these places were always so - random. It was the best word for it anyways. There were some interesting ones, but for the most part - there were magazines that were at least a month behind or books no one else wanted so they were donated to charities and asylums got whatever the prisons didn't take. At least that was what it seemed like to him. He let out a hard sigh and finally looked up from his browsing. Gaze passing over those in the room, he spotted his sister curled up in the corner and smiled at her. It quickly fell away when he realized her focus was on her feet. Another sigh escaped him. His gaze passed on, looking for something to do. Maybe someone to talk to. "It's too damn quiet in here," he mumbled mostly to himself. At least, for him it was quiet. No more voices constantly yammering in his ear, a room full of people barely talking to one another [i]was[/i] close to maddening. That was when he spotted the moody girl looking around. The one that thought she could kill someone just from a scratch. She wasn't doing anything at the moment, so he figured what harm could come from talking to her? Maybe she'd be more of a conversation than Jennifer since he already knew his sister didn't exactly like talking. Without even giving it a second thought, he walked over to the black haired girl. "What were you drawing?" He asked without really trying to see it; it seemed nicer to do it that way, asking instead of just looking.