Afternonclasses were over, yet RYu wasn't quite finished with school yet. No instead of leaving the school like most did, he went to the library to do some research. "Lhermitte, Lhermitte, Lhermitte....Aha, there you are." His long, thin fingers tracing along book after book until he found what he wanted. He carefully examined the index and began leafing through the pages. "Here we are, Jean Lhermitte, a french neurologist of the early 20th century. Let's see, born January 20, 1877, studied medicine at Saint-Etienne in Paris. Specializing in neurology, later he also studied psychology. In World War one after extensive study of spinal injuries he became fascinated with neuropsychiatry. This led to various publications about his theories on visual hallucinations of the self. Hallucinations of the self? What could that possibly mean?" It was then, lost in his own mind that Ryu didn't notice the hulking figure approach behind him, nor did he notice the initial tap until a second and third soon followed. Ryu closed the book and turned to the very large man who stood about half a foot taller then him. The man identified himself as a teacher, although it was unnecessary as Ryu was very familiar with his own math teacher being the best student in his year, maybe the whole school. "Ah, Kaminari-Sensei, to what do I owe the pleasure?" His dull-flat tone was perfectly polite and the young man's etiquette was flawless. And while his face betrayed nothing of the inner workings his mind was running at a million miles an hour calculating and guessing at what the math teacher could want from him. "Dorm? I'm afraid I have absolutely no interest in staying in a dorm. My current accommodations are perfectly satisfactory." Unfortunately the teacher didn't seem to listen as he turned and starting walking, calling back to him that the dorm arrangements were compulsory. AS they were walking Ryu couldn't help but ask. "And what are the consequences if I don't comply to this compulsion set forth by the school?" If they were minor enough he would likely take his chances, but if expulsion or detention were on the table he'd have to bite the bullet. They were almost to the dorm now, in fact they were climbing the steps to the door when it happened. The ground suddenly became a giant mirror with it's hulking black blobs n the other side. Kaminari is totally oblivious to the phenomena that is happening directly underneath his feet. A piercing wail permeates the air causing Ryu to clap his hands over his ears, the dark blobs then start climbing out of the mirror, poised to strike and likely kill. From there everything froze as the voice from earlier sounded. Explaining a way for him to save himself, yet Ryu couldn't decipher what he meant. "Persona? Awaken? Strong emotion......" Everything unfroze as the first blob lunged at him, yet Ryu deftly jumped aside. The next was a bit slower and easier to dodge, yet still terrifying all the same. OUt of the corner of his eye Ryu could see a few start to move toward Kaminari. The young man stepped forth, his mouth dry as he reached for the chain on his neck, grasping the cool gold band that hung upon it. "Per....So....Na" He heard his mouth say as he felt something break within him, blue flames sprung forth from his clutched hand, forming into a regal knight in shining armor. "Kratos" His mouth said purely on instinct, yet he knew it fit. From there Kratos charged at the monster nearest Kaminari, cleaving it in twain with it's sword. It turned pointing at another and instantly setting it ablaze, it pointed to another for the same effect. One blob lunged at Ryu only for Kratos to intervene, cutting it down with ruthless prowess. "Now, Kratos. Finish them." Ryu solemnly commanded his Persona who sprung forth slaying two more before setting the rest ablaze. With it's task done Kratos took a spot beside it's master who was cautiously looking over the battlefield for reinforcements.