Genevieve sat in the cold and damp corner just staring at the wall. She felt to numb to even think properly. Had her entire life really been one big complete lie? She felt so betrayed by her mother and by her best friend. Shivers erupted down her spine and she could feel tears pricking at her eyes. She had never felt more alone in her entire life. She didn't even know who she really was and that was what really got her. She wasn't human and she wasn't heir to the throne in the Kingdom she called home. She wouldn't one day find a noble husband and rule over the Kingdom. She was going to die day after next after seeing the one person she trusted in the world die. Laura sat in the cell across the hall from Eve's. She hated to see her daughter sit alone in the dark. She had never imagined this would be what happened if her husband found out. Both of the women he was supposed to love executed at his order? He certainly had turned cold in the 25 years she'd known him. She stared at the figure of Genevieve as she quietly cried. Now she would have to mourn her daughter, her only love, and also herself. She simply could not come to terms with it. The sound of an opening door boomed through the dungeon. Laura stood and rushed to the bars whereas her daughter stayed slumped in the corner. Had the executioners already arrived? Or was Aeden coming to rescue them? The figure stepped out of the shadows and Laura breathed a sigh of relief. "Aeden! Unlock the doors. Genevieve's first."