The appearance of this Kage fellow, was a surprise. Yumi didn't let it show. The last 11 or so years was also a giant training session for surprises as many of her fellows were into that a great deal. "Greetings. I suppose." She said with a forced smile as she stepped forward into an open spot and turned to face everyone. After that, a girl showed up calling herself Yua Chou. She was a taller but skinny girl. Nothing to really comment on. "Greetings." Yumi said to the girl. She seemed to have a feel about her. An unnatural one. . . Though not all too different. The boy who had been there since then introduced himself as Joshua Jackson. His name sounded as American as he described. He mumbled some complaints and walked away to lay down. Yumi didn't think much of it. . . Then a cracking sound happened in the tree. She turned to it quickly to see what happened. Now, what was it that she could describe it? Maybe a little bit crazy. There was a great recovery. . . Then her things went everywhere. There was nothing friendlier then helping someone that was in this shape. "Here, let me help you pick this up." The awkwardness of the situation went over Yumi's head as she started picking things up. She gathered up the few things from the bag at a leisurely pace and presented it to the girl with her head down. "Here's everything." Said with a smile.