Everyday was the same; Wake up, eat, go to school. An endless cycle that only pauses momentarily in the summer. We were all puppets, no matter how rebellious or 'unique' we were. Itoe sat in her math class, her attention was focused on the blank lined piece of paper in front of her. She didn't appear to pay attention, nor did she care anyways, she could easily take notes from an unsuspecting victim. The girl appeared to lost in her thoughts, her eyes were blank and almost devoid of life. The fingertips of her right hand gently pulled and twirled her extremely short black hair, a slight habit that she picked up as a child whenever she felt bored. A small sigh managed to escape her lips as she turned the blank page over to another blank page as a futile attempt to look like she was actually reading something. Itoe was intelligent and passed all of her classes with flying colors, so currently, school work wasn't important to her.