Matthew sat on the roof of the school, while everyone was being bored to death, he was sitting up here relaxing.....Also being bored to death. Drinking the rest of his soda he tossed the can off the building, maybe someone would get hit by it. He sighed, thinking he should probably head back down and go to class. He could probably learn something, and raise his grade....But on the other hand get multiple glances by all the students, hearing the whispers, hell even the teachers didn't feel comfortable around him. One situation outweighed the other, he'd stay up here until school ended, hopefully don't get caught by teachers or the principle. Hell, he'd leave right at this minute. Standing up he walked back into the school, heading down the stairs with his hands placed in his pockets. [I]Can't really blame 'em for not being comfortable around me though, big guy, history of violence....Could still get to know a guy before judging him, like Alex[/I], he thought to himself, then began thinking of Alex. His raven black hair, light brown eyes, those lips.....Matthew snapped out of it, noticing his flush he began looking at the ground. [I]Wish you were here....[/I] Continuing to walk down the hall to get to the other staircase he noticed someone leave their classroom....Was that that Kitsugaia kid? He began looking closer, and as it turned out it was him, Matthew would have had said hey if it wasn't for the fake personality. He stood up straight with a cold face, as he walked past Kitsugaia he muttered, "Asshole stole my haircut," but loud enough for him to hear. He gave a smirk afterwards but it disappeared quickly. [I]Atleast he knows not to be boring, unlike the rest[/I], Matthew thought from the evidence of him leaving the classroom. [I]Now.....Time to get out of here, go home, and cook some steak over rice[/I]. His stomach began to growl after that comment, yet it seemed his stomach always growled at the mention and thought of steak over rice, nothing could really compare....Except for Pizza, anyone who didn't like Pizza were wrong and deserved to get hit.