[I]Tick... Tick... Tick...[/I] The clock droned on endlessly as it hung from the bland, white cement wall of the room. Lying on the bed, the brunette stared blankly at the ceiling. It had been just a week since she was placed in this nut house, and she was still fuming over it. One minute, she's showing her loving parents her power and the next, they're trying to send her away. They called the cops, the paramedics, and a God damned [I]dog catcher[/i]. In mere moments, all the trust she had in them was obliterated. Now, she sat in a white-walled room in some asylum because she was apparently "crazy." Rolling over on the bed, Sloane let out a sigh. The sound of the door opening caught her attention, and a nurse came in with a glass of water and several pills. Sloane gave the nurse a dissatisfied look, but she took the pills and the cup of water, tossing them to the back of her throat and down the hatch. She had learned quickly that taking the pills willingly was a far better option than refusal. The nurse set the tray on the table in the room and motioned towards the door, "C'mon, time to socialize." Reluctantly, Sloane got up from the bed and followed the nurse out to the hallway. She was wearing a sad looking pair of grey sweat pants and an over-sized white shirt, complements of the nurse. Everything here was white-washed, and the silence was enough to drive one further into madness. Rounding the corner, the nurse led Sloane into the day room, and left her to it. With her head down, she walked over to a chair and took a seat. Looking up, she scanned the crowd of crazies for any sign of sanity, and much to her surprise, there were several people who seemed somewhat normal, like herself. A few were conversing a few feet from her, a couple across the room as well. At least there was noise, voices to remind her that she wasn't as mad as they were trying to tell her.