[i]-Sophie Reynolds-[/i] Sophie plopped down on small lounge chair that was in the room right at the end of her bed. The chair was a very soft material, nothing Sophie had ever felt before, she figured it to be magic related. She sighed outwardly while she flicked on the T.V. that sat in the corner of the bedroom. The scoreboards for the war games and duels were posted all over this channel,[b]"Must be from last year...."[/b] She muttered to herself as she inspected the channel some more. A familiar face popped up on the screen when she saw the girl she had met earlier, Page, ranking high on the scoreboards. She was in second place and the name they gave her was Page "Light-Runner" Adams. A subtitle to the name was general, general of the blue army, it read. Sophie was dumbfounded. She sat there for a good 10 minutes trying to convince herself that such a young girl could never become a general of an entire color. [center]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [i]-Leo Octavius-[/i] As Leo was leaving the cafeteria he noticed a girl walking in.This girl was the general of the blue army and daughter of the principal,Page Adams. He'd seen her before hundreds of times, and he'd seen her fight once in a duel. He stopped for a few seconds to admire the young girl who passed by him. [b]"One day I'll be as strong as a general. Heck, I might even become one one day."[/b] He said to himself as he pushed the cafeteria doors open with his foot. He stood outside the cafeteria for a little bit as he watched the variety of people walk past him.